Why Your Job Interview Prep Starts the Night Before

Article CategoryJob Seekers

The night before an interview, candidates are often tempted to sit back, watch some TV, and take it easy. While there’s value in relaxing before a big day, there are also some steps job candidates need to take the night before an interview to boost their odds of landing the position. Here are some tips on preparing for a job interview the previous night.

Set Out Attire

The last thing you want to do on the morning of the interview is spend hours debating what to wear. You’ll arrive for your meeting with the hiring manager sweaty and exhausted. Instead, try on outfits the night before and lay your final choice out so it’s ready to go in the morning.

Choose Questions for Interviewers

Job seekers are often hesitant to ask too many questions for fear of looking ignorant. However, the truth is interviewers want to hire employees who are engaged with the company and its goals. Research the business ahead of time and come up with a handful of questions that show you’re a serious candidate.

Review Your Resume

Take a few minutes the night before your interview to look over your resume. Not only can this help you determine which achievements to share with the hiring manager, but it will also boost your confidence for the big day by reminding you of everything you accomplished.


Of course, you don’t want to spend all night preparing and researching before a big interview. Instead, be sure to set aside plenty of time for relaxing and getting a good night’s sleep. If you’re feeling particularly anxious or stressed out, consider meditating, reading a good book, or watching an episode of your favorite TV show.

Trust HCR Personnel With Your Job Search!

At HCR, we put job candidates first. To that end, we take steps to ensure every employee we place finds work in a healthy and safe work environment. For more information on finding a job in Southwestern Ontario, reach out to us today or check out our open jobs!


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