PPE Required to Keep Construction Workers Safe

Article CategoryJob Seekers

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a must-have to keep construction workers safe. With appropriate PPE, you are well-equipped to guard against accidents and injuries. Plus, you can wear PPE that ensures you can perform day-to-day tasks safely and effectively.

What PPE Is Necessary to Keep Construction Workers Safe?

Construction workers must wear PPE — without exception. Essential PPE at construction worksites includes:

1. Protective Gloves

Wear gloves that protect the hands against scratches, cuts, punctures, and other injuries. Usually, construction gloves are constructed from leather, canvas, or other heavy-duty materials. They offer immense durability and strength, too.

You should assess your gloves before you begin work at a construction site. If you identify any holes or other damage to the gloves, you should replace them immediately.

2. Ear Protection

Wear earplugs or earmuffs that protect the ears against loud noise. Generally, pre-moulded earplugs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and they can effectively seal the ear canal. Also, foam earplugs expand to fill the ear canal and seal against the walls.

Earmuffs are available as well. They can be placed against the head and enclose the entire perimeter of the external ear.

Ear protection is crucial to limit the risk of long-term hearing damage at a construction site. So, you should wear ear protection in any work areas where you are exposed to elevated noise levels.

3. Fall Protection

Wear a lifeline, body harness, or other fall protection equipment any time you work at heights. Fall protection equipment should be used in construction settings where you work a minimum of 4 ft. above the ground.

Fall protection equipment won’t prevent falls. But, it can minimize the risks associated with them. All fall protection gear should be examined regularly to ensure it is working properly.

Furthermore, you must learn how to wear fall protection equipment correctly. Allocate the time and resources necessary to learn how to properly put on and take off fall protection equipment. If you have concerns or questions about how to wear fall protection gear, consult with your manager.

4. Respiratory Protection

Wear a respirator in any construction work environments where gases, vapours, and particulates are present. And, ensure your respirator fits comfortably on your face and enables you to avoid inhaling contaminants while you work.

Your employer must provide you with a respirator at any job sites where you may be exposed to contaminants. In addition, your employer can teach you about respiratory protection and how to wear a respirator. This ensures you can use your respirator as required.

Keep Construction Workers Safe Thanks to the Right PPE

Learn about the types of PPE used in construction. With a clear understanding of PPE, you can wear the right equipment to protect yourself and others at construction sites.

Of course, if you are considering career opportunities in construction, HCR can help. We are a leading staffing agency in the Greater Toronto Area and Southwestern Ontario and can connect with top construction companies in the region. For more information, please contact us today.


  1. These principles apply not only in the construction world but also when I have my tree technicians going up trees to trim them or cur branches. Good article and well written.

  2. I am in thunder Bay Ontario Canada
    There is houses being built next to. Mine on junot ave
    They do not have hard hats on safety vests on they are not wearing gloves and some are even shirtless. This concerns me alot alos there are untrained kids on the construction site. I want inspectors in my city to have this rectified.

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