What No One Will Tell You on Your First Day at a New Job

Article CategoryJob Seekers

There’s a lot of stress that comes with your first day on your new job. You want to make a good impression, but it’s hard to look confident when you don’t even know where the restrooms are located. The combined pressure and excitement of starting a job can be overwhelming, but you can reduce the helpless feeling of your first days by following a few simple tips. They might not keep you from feeling like a newbie, but they will help you survive (and thrive!) until you feel comfortable in your new surroundings.

Ask Lots of Questions

Some people are reluctant to ask questions, thinking it makes them look unintelligent or inexperienced. Neither of these is true. Raising inquiries shows that you’re a critical thinker and want to learn the proper procedures. The answers to your questions might give you the information you need to avoid making a mistake — something that can be really embarrassing to a new employee.

Build Relationships on a Solid Foundation

Bonding with your co-workers is essential, but you need to approach it with caution. Sometimes, new workers make the mistake of participating in office gossip, thinking that this will quickly make them part of the group.

But it is more to your advantage to avoid office politics and build your relationships by being friendly and genuine. Even if you don’t say anything inappropriate, being part of a negative conversation could come back to haunt you and quickly tarnish your reputation.

Develop Good Habits from the Start

A new job is a clean slate. Take advantage of it by cultivating good habits, starting in your first weeks. You might believe that your only option is living paycheck-to-paycheck at this early stage of your career, but with careful planning and a bit of frugality, you can set the stage early for financial independence down the road.

Take advantage of your company’s 401K plan by maxing out your contributions. And make sure you’re setting aside at least 10 percent of your net pay in a savings account to pay cash for emergencies and purchases instead of using a credit card.

Are you looking for a great job?

We can help you get to that exciting first day on the job. Get in touch with HCR Personnel Solutions, a leading manufacturing recruitment agency in Canada that recruits top professionals for exceptional career opportunities.


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