Getting Along With Everyone at Work – Even the People You Don’t Like
You don’t have to love everybody at work. You just need to get along. It’s much more pleasant to go to work when you don’t have to argue or fight with your co-workers. Here are a few tips to help you get along with everybody, even the people you may not like.
Listen More Than You Talk
The best way to get along with others at work is to listen more than you talk. No one wants to hear the person who talks and never listens. They just tune them out. But if you learn to listen, you will quickly become the person that people want to chat with. When someone approaches you with a problem, allow them to tell you what the issue is, before you respond. This will not just help you with your co-workers, it will allow you to clearly understand your job and your responsibilities at work. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of the people you work with. They might have the information you need.
Don’t Gossip
Almost everyone gossips at one time or another, especially at work. It may be a harmless comment on a new manager’s hair style or speculation as to why one person got a promotion while another was left behind. But gossip can also be used as a weapon to tear someone down or destroy their reputation in the workplace. It can also become a barrier to getting along at work, because no one likes the workplace gossip. You can rise above that and earn the respect of your co-workers if you make the decision not to gossip or pass along gossip that comes your way. You can just say “I’m not interested”, or change the subject when someone offers this type of information. Getting off the gossip train is a sure-fire way to make friends and avoid making enemies at work.
Think About Others
The best way of all to get along with everybody at work is to think about others. Here are a few practical ways you can do that.
- Be Friendly and Encouraging
It doesn’t cost anything to smile or give someone a pat on the back. It makes them feel good and you will be more pleasant to be around at work.
- Be Responsible
If you commit to doing something, follow through. If you can’t, then tell everybody who might be affected. Take responsibility for yourself.
- Be Considerate
Be considerate about others in your work area. Make sure your music isn’t too loud and if you make a mess, clean it up.
- Be a Team Player
Always strive to be a team player in your workplace. Always be willing to chip in and do your part. If you do your share, you will usually be able to get along with everyone at work.
For more helpful tips about making the most of your workplace experience, visit our blog. If you are looking for a job in light manufacturing or the auto industry, talk to the experts at HCR Personnel Solutions. We don’t just make promises. We deliver results.