Top 5 OSHA Violations of 2021 (and How to Avoid Them)

Article CategoryJob Seekers

You and your employer likely share a common goal: to maintain a safe work environment. To achieve this goal, prioritize workplace safety. That way, you can avoid common OSHA violations.

Ultimately, some OSHA violations are more common than others. But, with the right approach, you can minimize the risk of workplace safety issues that lead to OSHA penalties.

5 OSHA Violations You Need to Know About

Here’s a look at five of the most common OSHA violations in 2021 thus far — and what you can do to avoid them.

1. Fall Protection

OSHA data indicates falls are among the leading causes of workplace fatalities and injuries. They are common in the construction and manufacturing sectors. However, falls can happen anywhere, and workers need to prepare accordingly.

To guard against falls, workers should identify and eliminate any potential tripping hazards. Also, workers should wear fall protection gear and other personal protective equipment (PPE) any time they complete tasks at heights.

2. Hazard Communication

Employers are required to label hazardous chemicals present in the workplace. Yet, they sometimes fail to do so, leading to OSHA penalties. Furthermore, any workers who handle hazardous chemicals must receive proper training. Because if workers lack sufficient hazardous chemical training, they may inadvertently put themselves or others in danger.

If hazardous chemicals are present at your workplace, ensure they are labelled and stored properly. In addition, complete a hazardous chemical training program before you handle any dangerous materials. And if you have concerns or questions regarding hazardous chemicals at work, ask your manager for assistance.

3. Scaffolding

OSHA requires scaffolding to be able to support its own weight and at least four times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it. It has also established guidelines for the use of suspension rope with scaffolding to limit the risk of falls.

All scaffolding should be assembled under the supervision of a supervisor or other authorized personnel. Moreover, lumber or other high-quality materials should be used for scaffolding.

4. Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)

Electrical, mechanical, and other energy sources in machines and equipment can be dangerous to workers. If these sources are not properly controlled, they can lead to workplace fatalities and injuries.

Workers must learn proper lockout/tagout procedures to guard against the release of hazardous energy. They should also receive ongoing training, so they can stay up to date on these procedures.

5. Respiratory Protection

Employees must wear a respirator if they are working in an environment where they are exposed to gases, vapours, or other contaminants in the air. They must complete a respiratory protection program to learn about proper respirator use, too.

For those who require a respirator at work, they should wear it at all times. If they use a disposable respirator, they should discard it after every shift. Lastly, these employees should try to work in a well-ventilated area to further reduce their exposure to airborne hazards.

The Bottom Line on OSHA Violations

Now that you know about some of the top OSHA violations, you can do your part to protect against such issues. Plus, you can receive safety training to ensure you’re well-equipped to contribute to a safe work environment going forward.

At HCR Personnel Solutions, we recognize the importance of workplace safety. We help job seekers identify roles with top companies in the Greater Toronto Area and Southwestern Ontario. In doing so, we can connect you with a business that prioritizes the safety and wellbeing of its employees. To learn more, please contact us today.

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