When (and How) to Follow Up After an Interview

Article CategoryJob Seekers

You completed a job interview — and believe it was successful. Now, you need to follow up after your interview. However, doing so can be tricky.

It pays to plan ahead for when and how to reach out to your interviewer. In doing so, you can send a follow-up message to them within an appropriate amount of time. You can also craft a message that makes a positive impression on your interview.

Tips to Help You Follow Up After an Interview

Here are five tips to help you follow up with an interviewer and boost the likelihood of landing your ideal job.

1. Be Timely

Do not wait too long to follow up with your interviewer. Instead, send them a message within 24 hours of your meeting. Email is typically the best option for follow-up messages. An email is easy to craft and can be sent right away.

2. Choose the Right Interview Follow-Up Email Subject Line

Use your email subject line to convey your appreciation for your interview. The subject line should be clear and concise, too. Even a subject line as simple as “Thank you!” helps get the tone of your message across to your interviewer.

3. Be Specific

Include specific details in your email. For instance, you can use the information your interviewer mentioned in your meeting to highlight your continued interest in a role with their company. Of course, don’t forget to thank your interviewer for your time, too.

4. Share Your Contact Information

Let your interviewer know you are available to respond to any concerns or questions. In addition, tell your interviewer you are happy to provide any additional information. Ensure your contact information is up to date and easy to find in your email. Then, your interviewer should have no trouble reaching out to you.

5. Remain Persistent

Continue to follow up with your interviewer if you do not hear back from them. Generally, you should follow up in the week after you send your follow-up message. If your interviewer does not respond to your messages, you may want to call them. And if your interviewer continues to ignore your emails and phone calls, you may want to move forward with other job opportunities.

Get Help with Job Interview Follow-Ups

Following up with an interviewer is rarely simple. Yet, those who plan ahead are well-equipped to craft a follow-up message that hits the mark with their interviewer. These individuals can also verify that each follow-up message is delivered shortly after their interview. They can confirm their message delivers the optimal results, too.

If you need extra help with interview follow-ups, HCR can assist. We are the top staffing agency in the Greater Toronto Area and Southwestern Ontario. Our recruiters can put you in contact with many of Canada’s leading companies. Plus, we can help you prepare for job interviews, follow up with interviewers, and more. To get started with HCR, explore our job board today!

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