Three Reasons to Stay in Touch With Your Old Employers

Article CategoryJob Seekers

Finishing one job and beginning another means starting fresh with new co-workers and a new employer, right? Wrong. When it comes to your career, you’re never completely starting over. Maintaining a positive relationship with old employer(s) is actually highly important for all workers in any industry. If you can avoid it, you never want to leave a workplace on a negative note—even if you’re unhappy with your job. Here are the top three reasons why.

You need strong references.

Everyone needs references when applying for new jobs. It’s unlikely that any potential employer will hire you on the spot without some type of recommendation from someone you’ve worked with previously. If you stay on good terms with all of your past employers, you’re in a much better position to receive a glowing recommendation. If you burn bridges, or fall out of contact with a past employer, chances are you’ll be struggling when it comes time to ask for a letter of recommendation.

It shows professionalism.

Leaving a job on a positive note shows that you’re professional, respectful, and a team player right until the very end. Even if you’re switching jobs because you weren’t happy with your past work environment, it’s never a good idea to make this obvious to your employer. Leave on a high note. Let everyone around you know that it was a pleasure to work together. These small touches ensure that you’re remembered as someone who was good-natured and easy to work with.

You want to stay top of mind for future opportunities.

When you establish a good relationship with your employer and maintain that relationship even after you move on to a new position, often you’ll find that employers from the past will keep you in mind if they hear about new opportunities. Don’t forget: Employers are routinely talking to other employers. You might be interested in a different position down the road, so the more contacts you have in the industry, the better.  
Looking for more tips on how to maintain positive workplace relationships? Contact HCR today. We are a leading GTA and Southwestern Ontario employment agency with offices in Toronto, Newmarket, Milton, and St. Thomas.

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