Start Your Day Right: Be on Time

Article CategoryJob Seekers

Did you know that employees who routinely show up to work late is one of an employer’s biggest pet peeves? It may seem like a small thing, but if you’re late to work day after day, your employer will definitely start to notice you. And not in a good way.

Arriving late sends a big signal to your company that you don’t take your job seriously. It says that your time is more important than theirs. In short, it’s unprofessional, rude, and the quickest way to make yourself seem disposable in the workplace.

But don’t worry. Even if you’re not a morning person, the following tips can help you be on time for work every day.

Go to bed earlier.

This is pretty self-explanatory. People who go to bed later tend to have trouble waking up earlier. If you’re in the habit of going to bed after midnight, you probably find it difficult to rise and shine at the crack of dawn. Try adjusting your sleep schedule gradually over the next week or so. See if it makes a difference.

Turn off your electronics before bed.

Try not to look at your computer or mobile device for at least 60 minutes before getting into bed. Studies show that screens can interfere with your sleep patterns and make it more difficult to fall asleep soundly.

Organize your morning routine.

If you’re always rushing around after your alarm goes off, try preparing the night before to keep yourself organized in the morning. Shower before bed. Lay out your clothes the night before. Pack your lunch after dinner. Put your jacket, bag, and shoes in a neat row. These small details can make a world of difference when you’re rushing out the door in the morning.

Leave early.

Nobody can control traffic (or other unforeseen delays). But you can commit to leaving a little earlier each day. When you leave 15 extra minutes as a buffer, you’re much less stressed out should you find yourself sitting in rush-hour traffic. Remember: Arriving early is always better than arriving late. Plus, once you get in the habit of leaving earlier, you won’t even notice it after a while.

Looking for a new job in the GTA or Southwestern Ontario? We have offices in Toronto, Newmarket, Milton, and St. Thomas. Contact HCR today to get started on finding your new career path.

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