Why You Must Stay Home if You’re Sick

Article CategoryJob Seekers

Everybody gets sick at one time or another. In fact, the average adult battles the common cold two or three times every year, with each bout typically lasting a week, or longer.  And that means days off from work.

You may be thinking that it’s better to push through and go to work when your sick, but here are three reasons why you’ll be better off if you stay home, and stay in bed.

Get Co-workers Sick

We all know how fast germs can spread from one person to another, and you’ll be putting your colleagues at risk by going to work if you’re sick. You could affect the well-being of your entire team by spreading germs, which could slow down production if several employees have to take sick days.

Loss in Productivity

You may think that going into to work is necessary because you need to get work done, but the reality is that you aren’t as productive when you’re sick. You may be slightly more productive than if you stayed home, but you could also make errors in judgment or other on-the-job mistakes that would have very real ramifications for your employer.

It Will Take You Longer To Get Better

Pushing yourself when you’re ill can actually lengthen your recovery time and prolong your sickness. Lack of sleep can have a damaging impact on your immune system, and the result can mean you’ll be sicker more often. Especially if you’re sick, sleep is vital to improving your overall health. Sleep boosts antibodies and infection-fighting cells to help you heal faster.

While staying in bed and resting is the best way to get over a cold, if there’s work that absolutely must be done, speak with your employer to see if you can work from home during your illness. You can rest when you need, and you won’t be spreading dangerous germs throughout the workplace.

If you’re feeling under the weather, it’s important to take care of yourself.  Not only will you be doing your co-workers a favour, but you’ll be better able to hit the ground running when you get back to work.

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