What To Know Before Accepting A Job Offer

Article CategoryJob Seekers

If you’ve just been made an offer for an exciting job opportunity, you may be tempted to say “yes” immediately. However, you’ll want to take a moment to make sure there are certain things in order before signing on the dotted line. Fully understanding everything in the job contract will allow you to feel more comfortable about your decision and have any questions or concerns addressed before beginning your employment.

Here are three top factors to focus on when reviewing an employment contract:

Salary and benefits.

Most times a salary and benefits will be clearly stated in the contract letter; however, you’ll want to check if there is a provision for payment of other benefits such as an enhanced pension, bonuses or commission payments. Regarding commission, you’ll want to clarify the basis of which bonuses are given. For example, are bonuses guaranteed or discretionary? If bonuses are based on performance, what are the set targets or expectations that need to be met? You’ll want to be completely informed about your entire compensation package and initiate any contract negotiations during this time.

Hours of work.

Often eager job-seekers will sign on to a work schedule that they later regret. If a flexible schedule is important to you, ask about the option for flexible hours. In addition, make sure you’re aware of your shift patterns, as well as weekends and holidays in which you’ll be required to work. If you’ll be expected to work overtime, ask how often and if you’ll be paid. Knowing what the scheduling expectations will be ahead of time will save you a lot of confusion after beginning the job.  

Place of work.

Though this may seem obvious, make sure you know the exact location to which you’ll be reporting each day. For example, if the company has offices throughout the nation, find out where you’ll be based and if you’ll be required to travel to any extent. Of, if working remotely is an option with this employer, use this time to explore that possibility and have any agreed upon terms reflected in the contract.

In general, never assume a piece of information that is not stated in your contract. Take the time you need to review everything carefully so that you are comfortable with accepting the offer in front of you!

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