How to Turn a Temporary Position into a Full-Time Job

Article CategoryJob Seekers

You enjoy your temporary job, to the point where you would like to transform your day-to-day role into a long-lasting career. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to turn a temp position into a full-time job, such as: 

1. Tell Your Manager You Are Interested in a Full-Time Role

Let your manager know you are interested in working for a company full-time. Then, your manager can provide information about whether any full-time opportunities are currently available. If no full-time roles are available at this time, your manager can keep you up to date if things change in the near future.  

Of course, your manager can provide tips and recommendations to help you prove you deserve a full-time opportunity as well. If you collaborate with your manager, you can find ways to deliver meaningful contributions to your business and move closer to securing a full-time role.  

2. Strive to Be the Best at What You Do

Make every workday count — dedicate the time, energy, and resources necessary to perform your temp job to the best of your ability. That way, you can show your employer that you are willing to do what it takes to thrive in a temporary or full-time position.  

Additionally, take advantage of the learning opportunities provided by your employer. If you are willing to learn new skills or enhance your existing skillset, you could differentiate yourself from other workers. Best of all, you can show your employer that you are worthy of a full-time position.   

3. Bolster Your Professional Network

Introduce yourself to workers across all departments across your business. This can help you build relationships and enhance your professional network. It also gives you an opportunity to learn about your coworkers and determine how you may fit with a company long-term.  

As you bolster your professional network, remain persistent in your day-to-day work. Over time, you can foster trust with your coworkers. Furthermore, you can show your peers that you are a key contributor to your business’ success  which could help you land a full-time role.  

4. Maintain a Positive Outlook   

Stay positive and look for solutions to work problems any time they come your way. You may be a temp worker, but a positive outlook can go a long way toward helping you earn a full-time position. If you are willing to do your part to resolve work issues, you may help your company achieve its full potential.   

Accept new work responsibilities and assignments whenever possible, too. In doing so, you can help your company succeed  and put yourself in a great position to secure a permanent position.  

Explore a Wide Range of Temp and Permanent Roles  

At HCR, we help job seekers pursue a variety of temporary and full-time light industrial roles. We work diligently to ensure you can identify the right role based on your skills and experience and connect you with top employers in the Greater Toronto Area and Southwestern Ontario. To learn more, please contact us today 

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