Rejected After Your Job Interview? How to Fix Common Mistakes

Article CategoryJob Seekers

You may believe you’re an excellent candidate for a job. So, when you interview for a role, you may feel you’re putting your best foot forward. Despite your best efforts, you may be rejected for a job. This may be due to the fact that you’re making common mistakes in your job interview.

Common Mistakes in a Job Interview (and How to Correct Them)

Here are four common mistakes that people make when they interview for jobs, along with tips to address these issues.

1. You Go Too Deep into Why You Are the Best Candidate for a Job.

During a job interview, you want to do everything possible to show your interviewer why you’re the best candidate for a role. Yet, if you spend too much time answering interview questions, you risk going off track. As a result, your interview answers may inadvertently do more harm than good.

Take a deep breath and consider each interview question closely. Share relevant information in your response. Then, you can move forward in your interview. And remember, if your interviewer needs additional information, he or she can always ask follow-up questions.

2. Your Interview Answers Are Too Brief.

In contrast to going too deep into interview answers, there may be times when your responses are too brief. These instances can leave an interviewer uncertain about whether you are the right candidate for a particular job.

Remain calm, cool, and collected when you answer interview questions. Take the time necessary to respond to an interviewer’s query. If your interviewer wants to learn more about you, he or she can ask additional questions.

3. You Brag About Your Skills and Experience.

It’s one thing to feel proud of your career thus far. But, it’s different to boast about your skills and experience. If you brag too much, you risk alienating your interviewer. Even worse, stretching the truth about your skills and experience can cause you to get caught in a lie.

Rather than brag, show your interviewer how you can apply your skills and experience to the job you want. Share examples of times you’ve used what you know to help past employers accomplish their goals. That way, you can let your examples speak for your ability to thrive in a specific job.

4. You Do Not Ask Any Follow-Up Questions.

A job interview is a learning opportunity for both you and a prospective employer. If you have no questions about a role during a job interview, your interviewer may believe you are not interested in the position. So, he or she may move forward with other candidates who want to learn as much as they can about a role with their company.

Prepare questions to ask during an interview. It often helps to perform research into a role and the company offering it before your meeting. This ensures you can put together questions that correspond to the job and business.

Explore New Career Opportunities with HCR

If you are concerned about common mistakes during a job interview, there is no need to stress. HCR is happy to help you avoid these mistakes going forward. Our staffing specialists can put you in touch with top employers in the Greater Toronto Area and Southwestern Ontario, so you can further your career. To find out more, please contact us today.

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