How Should You Earn Your Interviewer’s Trust?
Arrive on time. Give a firm handshake. Make eye contact. Chances are you’ve heard these job interview tips many times before. And there’s a good reason for that: they all matter. However, there’s another often overlooked part of interviewing for a job that’s just as important as these more well-known ways to make a good impression.
Along with appearing confident and prepared in your interview, you need to appear trustworthy. A trustworthy candidate is a candidate that employers want to hire. Studies show that when two job seekers interview for a job with similar resumes, employers are always inclined to hire the person that they connect with. The person that they feel they can trust.
So how do you convey a sense of trustworthiness? Particularly in an interview setting, with a person you just met? It’s easier than you think.
The work starts before you ever get to your interview. Use your existing network of contacts to find out if anyone you know has a connection to the company where you are interviewing. Having someone else put in a good word for you in advance of the interview is an ideal way to start building a rapport with your interviewer before you even show up. A mutual contact will help you create a sense of connection with your interviewer—and that can go a long way.
Do Your Homework
Find out as much as you can about the person you’ll be interviewing with. You don’t need to give the impression that you’ve researched him or her online (that may come across as overbearing) but you do want to show that you’ve made an extra effort. Ask insightful questions. Show a genuine interest in their career and their role at the company. Everyone likes to talk about their lives and allowing your interviewer to participate in the conversation—instead of simply asking questions and listening to your responses – with put him or her at ease.
Follow Through
Finally, be sure to follow through with anything you say that you will do. If in the interview you offered to forward an additional copy of your resume, a portfolio of your work, or to provide the contact information for your professional references, do this as quickly as possible. This will show your interviewer that you keep to your word. And doing so in a timely fashion will also demonstrate your keen interest in the position.
Looking for a job in the GTA or Southwestern Ontario? We have offices in Toronto, Newmarket, Milton, and St. Thomas. Contact HCR Personnel Solutions today.